In the tests, problems arose due to lateral instability, but this was solved by placing stiffeners manufactured from wood between the flanges of the Fibre Reinforced Polymer beam over the supports. With a few modifications of the hybrid beam it is believed, that it would be possible to create...
Delamination is considered one of the most critical damage modes in composite materials. It has been studied extensively for in-plane compression of composite structures. Delamination in composite beams under pure bending is presented here. Experiments have been performed to determine the critical moment...
P.S.Patil, M.G.Shaikh (2013)"A Study of Effect of Shear Connector in Composite Beam in Combined Bending and Shear by Ansys."P.S.Patil, M.G.Shaikh (2013)"A study of effect of shear connector in composite beam in combined bending and shear by ANSYS" international journal of innovative...
Experimental study on bending behaviour of cold rolled steel composite beam with different shear connector Composite slab flooring systems are used in steel framed buildings as well as in conjunction with concrete, prestressed concrete and timber structures. Com... M Vignesh,S Babu - 《Aip Conference...
Some main points in this work are concluded as follows: the natural frequency of the beams will drop if the values ofk0andV0are raised in either direction. Whenk0has a small value, ifV0increases, the maximum deflection of the beam increases, but whenk0has a large value, ifV0increases,...
COMPOSITE-BEAM | Results Results are displayed in result tables sorted by required designs. Clear arrangement of the results allows for easy orientation and evaluation. Ultimate Limit State Design: Bending and shear force resistance with interaction Partial shear connecting of ductile and non-duct...
Non-linear analysis of long anisotropic tubes in bending, extension and torsion A long thin-walled circular tube made of a generally laminated composite material is modeled as a beam, including those non-linear effects that need to be ... D Harursampath,D Hodges - Structures, Structural Dynami...
Variations of the beam’s midspan rise and the fundamental natural frequency of the postbuckling domain vibrations with the applied axial load are presented for a variety of lay-up laminates. The ratio of the axial stiffness to the bending stiffness was found to be a crucial parameter in the ...
In this paper a model of steel and concrete composite beams subjected to negative bending is presented. It accounts for the slip occurring at both the beam-slab interface and the steel reinforcement-concrete interface. Some numerical results, obtained using a suitable numerical procedure, are ...
Xu et al. [2], [7] introduced a new idea to combine graded material and lattice core for forming the graded lattice core sandwich, which shows great difference in their load capacity-per-weight. Comparing with the conventional truss core composite sandwich beam, the graded corrugated truss ...