On this page, enable execution of theComposer Dependency Managercommands through the dedicated user interface and appoint the defaultcomposer.jsonfor the PhpStorm project. Item Description Path to composer.json In this field, specify the location of thecomposer.jsonthat you want to use as the proje...
To configure this you specify all directories or files to search for classes.Example:{ "autoload": { "classmap": ["src/", "lib/", "Something.php"] } }Wildcards (*) are also supported in a classmap paths, and expand to match any directory name:Example:...
"require":{"vendor/package":"1.3.2",// exactly 1.3.2// >, <, >=, <= | specify upper / lower bounds"vendor/package":">=1.3.2",// anything above or equal to 1.3.2"vendor/package":"<1.3.2",// anything below 1.3.2// * | wildcard"vendor/package":"1.3.*",// >=1.3.0 ...
config.platform is a platform-specific. It is recommended to specify config.platform as a specific version (e.g.8.1.19) constraint to ensure that only the package versions supported by your current environment are used."config": { "platform": { "php": "8.1.19" } },...
Unless I am mistaken, if you use the composer:lts docker tag, it will use a composer 2.2 built with the latest alpine php (8.4) and you cannot specify the php version you want. Member SeldaekcommentedNov 28, 2024 But if you use a docker container bundling the latest version WHY would ...
If you need to search for a same prefix in multiple directories, you can specify them as an array as such: { "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Monolog\\": ["src/", "lib/"] } } } If you want to have a fallback directory where any namespace will be looked for, you can use an ...
If you do not specify a version constraint, composer will choose a suitable one based on the available package versions. If you do not want to install the new dependencies immediately you can call it with --no-update MFHJ-DZ-001-255deMacBook-Pro% composer require --dev symfony/dom-...
Exact Version Constraint#You can specify the exact version of a package. This will tell Composer to install this version and this version only. If other dependencies require a different version, the solver will ultimately fail and abort any install or update procedures.Example: 1.0.2...
bundle file isn't adequate, you can specify an alternate fileusingthe --cacert option. IfthisHTTPS server uses a certificate signedbya CA representedinthe bundle,the certificate verification probably failed due to a problemwiththecertificate(it might be expired,orthe name mightnotmatch the domain...
In magento installation, you can specify the specific version of Magento (2.0, 2.1, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.2.5, 2.2.6, 2.3, 2.4) using the above command. Note:To install Magento 2 using composer in the current directory (e.g., public_html), do not forget to add the ...