Dependency Manager for PHP. Contribute to composer/composer development by creating an account on GitHub.
Composer 是 PHP 的一个包管理和包依赖管理的工具 ( 官方的定义是 "Dependency Manager for PHP" ), 类似 Mac 的Homebrew, CentOS 的yum, Windows 的Chocolatey, 以及 Node.js 的npm和 Python 的pip. 在Composer 出现之前使用 PHP 第三方包的操作: 上网寻找类库, 从官方或者第三方网站下载源码; 解压, 调试;...
Dependency Manager for PHP. Contribute to xorllc/composer development by creating an account on GitHub.
注意:根据 Composer 官方文档的介绍,Composer 不是一个包管理器(nota package manager),而只是用做依赖管理(dependency manager)。 初始化扩展包 先创建一个空目录,再在空目录里执行 Composer 自带的init命令,自动生成 Composer 的配置文件(composer.json)。 $ mkdir composer_test $ cd composer_test $ composer i...
PHP 工具包, composer - Dependency Manager for PHP composer-bin-plugin - Composer plugin to ,
{ "require": { "elasticsearch/elasticsearch":"~2.0@beta" } } 2.2 安装依赖 php composer.phar install###会默认寻找composer.json这个配置文件) 参考文章链接:
Composeris a dependency manager built specifically for PHP. It works by providing a file for you to list the dependencies you are using. For instance, you can list the dependencies for your project in acomposer.jsonfile, which will enable you to access those files whenever you need them. Wi...
Windows and Linux: File | Settings | PHP | Composer macOS: PhpStorm | Settings | PHP | Composer CtrlAlt0S or On this page, enable execution of the Composer Dependency Manager commands through the dedicated user interface and appoint the default composer.json for the PhpStorm project. ...
composer是PHP用来管理依赖(dependency)关系的工具。你可以在自己的项目中声明所依赖的外部工具库(libraries),Composer会帮你安装这些依赖的库文件。类似于的 composer init – 初始化 composer init: 初始化一个composer项目,根据提示进行创建包名及依赖信息。一路回车就可以创建一个没有什么依赖的composer.json文件。
Composer - Package Management for PHP Composer is a dependency manager tracking local dependencies of your projects and libraries. See for more information. # 查看composer版本 $ composer -V Composer version 1.2.1 2016-09-12 11:27:19 ...