compose.desktop{application{mainClass="MainKt"nativeDistributions{targetFormats(TargetFormat.Dmg,TargetFormat.Msi,TargetFormat.Deb,TargetFormat.Exe)packageName="multim-gui"packageVersion="1.0.0"}}} jdk.accessibilityを追加します。他にも追加しなければいけないものがある場合もあると思うので適宜追加し...
The compileKotlinJvm task fails with: androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin.IncompatibleComposeRuntimeVersionException: The Compose Compiler requires the Compose Runtime to be on the class path, but none could be found. The compose co...
or java { toolchain { vendor = JvmVendorSpec.JETBRAINS languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17) } } Compose Desktop Gradle Plugin should pack dists with the JDK home declared in toolchain instead of the default JAVA_HOME, some libs may depend on JetBrains JDK 👀 2 Gooole...
我们从上面可以看到创建单平台的项目,目前可以选择Desktop和Web。 1、单平台Desktop目录介绍 创建一个单平台的Desktop项目,项目目录如下: 在jvmMain目录下面编写我们的窗口代码,build.gradle.kts文件中,我们需要在sourceSets的jvmMain中添加我们的三方库依赖: sourceSets { val jvmMain by getting { dependencies { // ...
点击Sync Now同步Gradle之后,我们创建一个RocketLaunch.kt: import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable @Serializable data classRocketLaunch(@SerialName("flight_number")val flightNumber:Int,@SerialName("name")val missionName:String,@SerialName("date_utc")val launchDate...
UI is not upscaled properly on some Linux desktops. Would be useful if compose-jb could use same logic as Intellij uses (ref) Linux jvm 14 Gnome 3.38 wayland Intellij show hidpi info content: Per-monitor DPI-aware : enabled Monitor resol...
JDK (for desktop issues): java Additional context I tried just build a simple iOS app in xCode, it works fine. I checked kdoctor, it says fine. I changed ios simulator several versions, it works fail. I updated macOS version, it works fail. I updated xCode to 14.3.1, it ...
JVM Desktop 默认包含了基于 java.util.Properties 的实现类 DataSaverProperties,您可以如下初始化: // init properties val dataSaver = DataSaverProperties("$userHome/$projectName/") CompositionLocalProvider(LocalDataSaver provides dataSaver){ ExampleComposable() } 如果您需要加密存储,可以使用...