Instead, it is advices to directly configure the number of threads that process messages on a Disruptor endpoint using the concurrentConsumers option. Sample In the route below, we use the Disruptor to send the request to this async queue. As such, it is able to send a fire-and-forget ...
Many of the watch chargers actually flash the LEDs instead of steady on. The LEDs get their power to light directly from the wireless charger (not included) or with the proper settings enabled on phone with wireless powersharing. Sold in a set of 4 different color wireless LEDs. Each LED...
Supportencoding in multiple threads SupportFrame Hookin original format More improvements… Delphi FFmpeg VCL Components 3.9 Release Notes (2011-03-07) Supportaudio mixing Supportmultiple instances of player More improvements… Delphi FFmpeg VCL Components 3.8 Release Notes (2011-01-22) ...
Maximum number of threads reached. Severity 30 : Severe error Explanation The maximum number of concurrent threads has been reached. Response Try restarting the component. If the problem persists contact your IBM support center. Provide the message text and a debug trace for further analysis.BIP...
Type de licence : Abonnement Numéro de série : 99570580850880463050 GUIDBucket: Composite Core GPU (comp_core_gpu): on Composite Core Threads (MultithreadedCompositing): on Composite Core UI (comp_core_ui): off Composite Core Feature Prefs (CompCoreFeaturePrefs): off Document Graph (...
A properly implemented server will normally implement calls made directly from UI threads via the Windows Runtime async pattern. This can be implemented by following this pattern. First, the declaration (again, from the accompanying sample): ...
The methods of this class may be called safely from any thread of your app. It is also safe to share a single instance of this class from multiple threads, with the caveat that you should not change the configuration of the object while another thread is using it to generate a string. ...
Threads View and monitor the state of threads. ActiveMQ View and manage Apache ActiveMQ brokers. Camel View and and manage Apache Camel routes and dependencies. OSGi View and manage the JBoss Fuse OSGi environment. 2.3.6. StatefulSets
A date or time specified in terms of units (such as year, month, day, hour, and minute) to be evaluated in a calendar system and time zone. iOS 8.0+iPadOS 8.0+Mac Catalyst 13.0+macOS 10.9+tvOS 9.0+visionOS 1.0+watchOS 2.0+Xcode 8.0+ struct DateComponents ...