Novotny V. 1993. -- Spatial and temporal components of species diversity in Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) communities of Indochinese montane rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 9: 93-100.Novotny V (1993) Spatial and temporal components of species diversity in Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta...
Biofilms from three historical buildings in the center of the city and from a natural Piperno quarry located in a suburban area were examined. Light and electron microscopy, and molecular biology techniques allowed the identification of 17 species belonging to Cyanobacteria, Rhodophyta, Bacillariophyta,...
We focused on plant taxonomic diversity, species richness of specialists, generalists and weeds, and the phylogenetic diversity conserved in the habitats. Verges meshing the landscape are characterised by a small core area and high level of disturbance. Their species pool was more similar to ...
To explore the differences of flavor substances in <italic>Armillaria</italic> spp., seven samples belonging to different <italic>Armillaria</italic> taxa were analyzed by headspace solid phase microextraction combined with gas phase-mass
of richness difference, while the parallel component in the POD framework (beta(-3) or beta(-3.s)) is not (i.e. it is mathematically constrained by richness difference). 4. Therefore, only the BAS framework allows separating (i) the variation in species composition derived from species ...
However, a precise definition of functional diversity, and hence a framework for its quantification, have proved elusive. We present a definition based on the analogy of the components of species diversity - richness, evenness and divergence. These concepts are applied to functional characters to ...
Fig. 1: General mechanisms driving the species richness of above- and belowground diversity, and the associated environmental factors and land-use components used in this study. The hypotheses associated with each factor are detailed in the introduction and in the Supplementary Table 1. This figure...
We found no correlation between the diversity of species detected and the time since death or digestion degree, which advocates for the utility of this methodology. The Vert01 primer set, highly specific to vertebrates, enables to distinguish between commonly eaten animal taxa and is clearly ...
摘要: Gel electrophoresis of ribosomal RNA from green plant tissues provides evidence consistent with the suggestion that chloroplasts have evolved from symbiotic blue-green algae, while the plant cytoplasmic RNA is distinct from both the bacterial and mammalian....
the changes in the gas-particle partitioning driven by the increased ALW could have enhanced the formation of aqSOA species, such as oxalic acid23,26,32. This can be supported by the sixfold higher aqSOA precursors (Gly + MeGly) mass fractions in OC observed in the continental out...