Beer HJ, Bornitz M, Hardtke HJ, et al, Modelling of components of the human middle ear and simulation of their dynamic behaviour, Audiol Neurootol. 1999,(3-4):156-162.Modelling of components of the human middle ear and simulation of their dynamic behavior.” Audiol - Beer, Bornitz, ...
Summary: The study of users' emotional behavior as an important aspect of the user experience has been receiving increasing attention for the past few years. In this paper we discuss the multi-component character of emotions and its consideration in the area of human-technology interaction. Based...
Intrinsicmotivation comes from within, and it’s usually driven by individuals’ needs to do something for themselves. Each person has unique desires: they may want to learn a language or skill, or reach a goal of finishing a 5K in a certain amount of time. Intrinsic motivation is the reas...
In this research the authors focus on some key concepts of human functioning that are related to a vast number of phenomena: self-concept and its components. They included concepts about gender differences that have not been extensively examined, such as instability and contingency of self-esteem....
motivationismadeupofanumberof needs:forasenseofsecurityasahumanbeing;forasenseof predictability;forasenseofgroupinclusion;forasenseofacommon sharedworld;forsymbolic/materialgratification;toavoiddiffuseanxiety; andtosustainourself-conceptions.Itincludestheoverallsetof emotionalassociationsthatpeoplehaveastheyactually...
In fact, somecomponentsof the venom may benefit human health. 事实上, 毒液的某些成分可能有益于人类健康. 百科语句 He was an innovator in engineers , transmissions and mechanicalcomponents. 他在发动机, 传动,机械构件方面搞了一些革新. 辞典例句 ...
The current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has impactśed all forms of global international engagement, inclusive of long-standing and recently formed research teams. Most were formed to be efficient within budget, time, and personnel limits, without building an
SolutionPackagermay be used to incrementally unpack a solution into its respective parts as a series of XML files that can be committed into source control. This has the advantage of creating a complete picture of your metadata in the human-readable format so you can track changes usingpull ...
Humoris a broad, multifaceted term that represents anything that people say or do that others perceive as funny and tends to make them laugh, as well as the mental processes that go into both creating and perceiving such an amusing stimulus, and also the emotional response of mirth... ...
13or factored out of analyses18. Here, we have analysed the effect of motivation on a GO/NOGO visual discrimination task at the single session level. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed exploration of these factors within the context of the GO/NOGO paradigm, although previously ...