内容提示: proteus 元件库名称(Proteus component library name) 1. libraries of discrete components, components, names, and controls AND and gate ANTENNA antenna BATTERY DC power supply BELL bell, bell BVC coaxial cable connector BRIDEG 1 rectifier bridge (diode) BRIDEG 2 rectifier bridge (...
proteus元件库元件名称及中英对照ProteuscomponentlibrarynamesandChineseEnglishcontrols 系统标签: proteus元件componentcontrolsnames对照 proteus元件库元件名称及中英对照(ProteuscomponentlibrarycomponentnamesandChineseandEnglishcontrols)ThenameoftheProteuselementis1DescriptionofthecomponentnameinChinese7407drivedoor1N914diode74Ls00...
proteus元件库元件名称及中英对照(Proteus component library component names and Chinese and English controls) The name of the Proteus element is 1 Description of the component name in Chinese 7407 drive door 1N914 diode 74Ls00 NAND gate 74LS04 gate 74LS08 and gate 74LS390 TTL double decimal co...
Search to find and download PCB footprints and schematic symbols for direct use in compatible ECAD tools.
Step4:Through a series of options the name of the component, Index and other reference parameters can be edited or left unchanged. After this step, the component is created in the library and can be used a regular component by placing it in the workspace. The decomposed component can be de...
The data were then fitted to a library of conforma- tionally randomized models to identify the spatial arrangement of the individual components within SIgA1 that best described the three data sets. X-ray and neutron scattering of SIgA1 Solution scattering is a diffraction technique that studies ...
native x86 (win32) CPUx86_64 Defined when target platform is native x86_64 (win64) CPU32 Defined when target is 32-bit CPU64 Defined when target is 64-bit CPUASM Defined when target assembler is available - Visual library Directives The following directives indicate for a visual libr...