identity com....
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.AspNet .NET Framework project and item templates 17.10.34803.213 Recommended Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.AspNet45 Advanced ASP.NET features 17.10.34803.213 Recommended Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Azure.AuthoringTools Azure Authoring Tools 17.10.34803.213 Recommended Microsoft...
Features Fluid Relay Front Door Functions Grafana Graph Services Hana on Azure Hardware Security Modules HDInsight Health Bot Health Data AI Services Healthcare APIs Hybrid Compute Hybrid Connectivity Hybrid Container Service Hybrid Kubernetes Identity Image Builder Image Search Informatica Data Management IoT...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.AspNet45 Advanced ASP.NET features 17.9.34511.75 Optional Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Wcf.Tooling Windows Communication Foundation 17.9.34511.75 Optional Data storage and processing ID: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.Data Description: Connect, develop, and test data soluti...
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a multivariate analysis that reduces the complexity of datasets while preserving data covariance. The outcome can be visualized on colorful scatterplots, ideally with only a minimal loss of information. PCA applicati
The SARS-CoV-2 viral particle utilizes the spike (S) glycoprotein for binding to the cellular receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), mediating entry into cells [5,6]. The S trimer protrusions on the viral surface are composed of three S1 subunits, containing the receptor-binding do...
Augmenting the set of features in every image of an image database increases the learning capabilities of the ML methods and leads to an increase in its classification abilities. One may observe that the method listed above produce new data on the basis of existing data. Also, the VF ...
using its powerful customization system to implement our Design System. This simple move did a rare thing in engineering: it lowered our maintenance costs while enhancing both developer and customer experience. All of this was done without sacrificing the organization's branding and visual identity."...
Represents the sublayer view of a BuildingComponentSublayer. The sublayer view can be used for queries of features that are loaded in the view. Sublayer views can be accessed via the sublayerViews property on BuildingSceneLayerView: // query all sublayers for features that satisfy th...
1). Using this phase-scrambling method, low-level features like chromaticity and luminance were kept while object identity was rendered unidentifiable. Download: Download high-res image (314KB) Download: Download full-size image Fig. 1. Experiment timeline. Each trial started with a 800 ± ...