The law mandated Brazilian companies to comply or explain to a corporate governance code from 2018. This article analyzed 1,720 unique explanations of non-compliance for 43 recommended practices from 108 companies and developed a taxonomy of explanations and adherence quality indices. Most firms did ...
Rose, C. Firm performance and comply or explain disclosure in corporate governance. Eur. Manag. J. 2016, 34, 202-222. [CrossRef]Rose, C. (2016). Firm Performance and Comply or Explain Disclosure in Corporate Governance. European Management Journal (34), 202-222....
The comply-or-explain principle is a central element in the EU corporate governance framework that was put in place by Directive 2006/46/EC. While avoiding an inflexible 'one size fits all' approach, the principle has lately been questioned because of the quality of corporate governance reports...
The "Comply or Explain" principle is a central element of most codes of corporate governance. Originally put forward by the Cadbury Committee as a practical means of establishing a code of corporate governance whilst avoiding an inflexible 'one size fits all' approach, it has since been incorpora...
The comply-or-explain principle is a central element of most codes of corporate governance. Originally put forward by the Cadbury Committee in the UK as a practical means of establishing a code of corporate governance whilst avoiding an inflexible 'one size fits all' approach, it has since been...
"Comply or Explain": market discipline and non-compliance with the Combined CodeAuthor(s): Iain MacNeil , Xiao Li Publication date Created: September 2006 Publication date (Print): September 2006 Journal: Corporate Governance: An International Review Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Read this article...
Based on a case study, we examined how entities listed in the first category at BSE (Bucharest Stock Exchange) complete the “Comply or Explain” declaration in order to analyze the degree of implementation of BSE's Corporate Governance Code. As a result, we considered essential to present ...
Comply or explain Investor protection Payout policy Disclosure regulation Corporate governance 1. Introduction Safeguarding the interests of minority shareholders has been a longstanding problem for securities regulators in emerging economies, where economic institutions and market mechanisms often do not offer...
Manuscript TypeEmpiricalResearch Question/IssueDo firms take advantage of the flexibility of the "comply or explain" corporate governance disclosure regime to adopt governance practices that are best suited to their needs and value-added to the firms as predicted by economic theories of the firm? Usi...
The "comply or explain" principle adopted by the UK's Combined Code on Corporate Governance has now been in operation for 12 years. In this paper we focus on two aspects of this regime. The first is the nature of the explanations that have been given by companies with an established recor...