Complementary colors are colors that are directly across from each other on the color wheel, and they enhance each other by their contrast, such as red and green, purple and yellow, and blue and orange. What does compliment mean? Compliment with an I is from the mid-1600s. It came to ...
The next thing you should consider is the age of your customers. For the family restaurants use either one vivid color supported by pastels on the background or the warm soothing colors like deep brown, butter yellow or forest green. The younger generation would love bright “call to action”...
What's your favorite color? Black BlackFarouk Mechedal on Unsplash Blue BlueSam Dan Truong on Unsplash Yellow YellowJason Leung on Unsplash Red RedHenry & Co. on Unsplash Advertisement Which picture speaks the most to you? Rhys Kentish on Unsplash Katarina Teodorovic on Unsplash...