Complications with IV chlormethiazole infusiondoi:10.1007/BF03263807NoneSpringer International PublishingReactions
Phase I trial of docetaxel administered by weekly infusion in patients with advanced refractory cancer. Docetaxel is a highly active antineoplastic agent; however, grade IV leukopenia occurs in the large majority of patients treated with a dose of 100 mg/m2 e... JD Hainsworth,HA Burris,JB ...
This retrospective study of 31 pediatric oncology patients with subcutaneously implanted infusion devices details the required care and demonstrates the benefits and complications of the system. The Port-a-cath device was used in 29 patients; one had an Infuse-a-port, and two had Mediports. Ages...
In addition, the nurse assesses the following: vital signs,physical exam, contraction pattern (frequency, interval, duration, and intensity), intactness of membranes through a vaginal exam, and fetal well-being through fetalheart rate, characteristic ofamniotic fluid, and contractions. The nurse perfo...
Explore the history of IV therapy and learn how to define the three different types. Understand some of the potential complications associated with...
Hemodialysis is the most successful and most commonly used form of organ replacement therapy. Its success and widespread worldwide use attest to its safety. The latter is based on a combination of factors primordial among which is the vigilance and atten
To assess complication rates and risks associated with the use of umbilical catheters. An observational cohort study was conducted in a level IV neonatal intensive care unit over 11 years. Any neonate with an umbilical catheter placed during this period
causeseriouscomplicationsinpregnancy描述可能危及生命的妊娠合并症 •Formulateaplanfordiagnosisandtreatmentof theseconditions制定诊断及治疗的计划 第二页,编辑于星期四:九点四十三分。ConditionsExclusivetoPregnancy仅在妊娠出现的 症状 •Severepre-eclampsia 严重子痫前期•Eclampsia子痫 •HELLPsyndromeHELLP 综合征...
Journal of Critical CareYanay O, Brogan TV, Martin LD (2004) Continuous pentobarbital infusion in children is associated with high rates of complications. J Crit Care 19:174–178Yanay O, Brogan TV, Martin LD: Continuous pentobarbital infusion in children is associated with high rates of ...
The experience of pregnancy and childbirth transforms the lives of mothers and their families. As it may be anticipated, a large number of medical and surgical complications in the pregnant mother may affect development of the fetus and health of the newborn infant. Since the early nineteenth cen...