Introduction: Despite the use of a wide variety of improvement tools and approaches, healthcare organisations continue to struggle in several key areas. Complexity-informed approaches have the potential to offer health and social care a new paradigm for understanding, designing, implementing and ...
Utilizing complexity theory to explore sustainable responses to intimate partner violence in health care (2017). Utilizing complexity theory to explore sustainable responses to intimate partner violence in health care. Public Management Review, 1-16. doi:... C Gear,E Eppel,J Koziol-Mclain - 《Pub...
A major contributing factor for these issues is that outdated leadership practices, such as leader‐centricity, linear thinking, and poor readiness for innovation, are being used in healthcare organizations. Solution Complexity leadership theory provides a new framework with which healthcare leaders may...
Complexity theory would further suggest that healthcare systems are adaptive and so self-organising, that is, they can organise themselves in the absence of external control, direction, pressure or influence [21, 26]. Complex systems are therefore constantly evolving. The trajectory of the system ...
There are calls for better application of theory in health services research. Research exploring knowledge translation and interprofessional collaboration are two examples, and in both areas, complexity theory has been identified as potentially useful. H
Healthcare system quality indicators: the complexity perspectivequality indicatorshealthcareeffectivenesscomplexity leadershipOrganisations face significant challenges in terms of recognising a concept of complexity in their business and work strategies. This paper investigated the Complexity Leadership Theory (CLT)...
Considering complexity in healthcare systems. A recent trend in the literature has been to characterize healthcare activities in terms of complex systems theory. Complexity has often been loosely and v... TG Kannampallil,GF Schauer,T Cohen,... - 《Journal of Biomedical Informatics》 被引量: ...
Complexity theory as an approach to explanation in healthcare: A critical discussion The reception of complexity theory in health care is characterised by a tendency to reify the idea of a complex system, which is basically an abstraction. ... J Paley,G Eva - 《International Journal of ...
Program.Herresearchinterestsincludecoordinatedcare,workforce development,embeddingnewpracticesandconsumerexperienceofhealth care.Shehasthirtyyearsofnursingexperience. MsMichelleMcIntyre,SeniorResearchAssistant,PopulationandSocialHealth ResearchProgram.Shehasabackgroundineducationandlearningtheory.She ...
Drawn upon the tenet of complexity theory, this article has developed a novel framework for understanding IES as CAS and IES innovation as a co-evolutionary process of variation, selection, and Bongsug (Kevin) Chae is Associate Professor in Information & Operations Management at Kansas State ...