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Given the success of deep learning, one common approach to address the VQA problem is by extracting visual features from an input image or a video using pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) e.g., VGGNet [3], ResNet [4], ResNeXt [5]; and representing language features from the...
Our approach, here applied to images but applicable more broadly, provides a new perspective to quantitative aesthetics, connoisseurship, multidimensional meaning spaces, and the study of cultural complexity.1 Introduction The quantification of visual aesthetics and artistic expression goes back to Birkhoff...
Proposition 2.5 Assumey=|lnα|. If the number of granular levels ist∼O(n), the computational complexity is the minimal by using the multi-granular computing withtlevels. And itsasymptotic complexityisO(nlnn), where the number of elements inXis assumed to been. View chapterExplore book LOWER...
approach aims to capture the residual signal of the generating process, the “algorithmic fingerprints” of an artwork, through the operationalization of various aspects of visual aesthetic complexity, as estimated by compression ratios of the visual transformations. This approach can, however, currently...
The Trusted Computing Group (TCG) proposed an approach for secure constrained device boot, secure device identity creation, and device attestation (Figure 2-3) that doesn't depend on a security coprocessor called Device Identity Composition Engine (DICE). Using a DICE strategy, the root-of-...
One major drawback of this approach is that these two compartments cannot be analysed separately, but this type of approach could be considered as an opportunity, in the context of a biomarker discovery study, to provide the most exhaustive list of potential new biomarkers. However, in this ...
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A combinatorial approach to detect coevolved amino acid networks in protein families of variable divergence. PLoS computational biology 5, e1000488 (2009). Article ADS MathSciNet PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Watts, D. & Strogatz, S. Collective dynamics of ‘small-world’ networks....
Wavelet analysis: This analytical approach allows a signal to be decomposed in a flexible manner, providing simultaneously information on the presence of periodic behavior and its time localization77,78,79. Herein, we used the complexcwtMorlet wavelet in the first windowed Fourier transform to extract...