complete introduction to the theory of finding derivatives of scalar-, vector- and matrix-valued functions with respect to complex matrix variables, Hjorungnes describes an essential set of mathematical tools for solving research problems where unknown parameters are contained in complex-valued matrices....
Complex-Valued Matrices and Vectors with Complex-Valued ComponentsEaston, Roger L
Specifically, scattering from rough surfaces not giving rise to a fully developed speckle field, various anemometers and systems for measuring rotational velocity have been treated in order to show the benefits of the complex ABCD matrices.doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-3028-9_14Steen G. Hanson...
complex-valued matrices. A prime example is the case of complex-valued independent component analysis (ICA) algorithms that require prewhitening of the data. Complex-valued observation vectors are encountered in fMRI data, radar, wireless communication, and remote-sensing applications, for example. In...
An explanation for the difference between bright and dark field is given in terms of the important Bloch waves excited at different orientations of the crystal.Easton, Roger LJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd
5 Complex Hessian Matrices for Scalar, Vector, and Matrix Functions 95 5.1 Introduction 95 5.2 Alternative Representations of Complex-Valued Matrix Variables 96 5.2.1 Complex-Valued Matrix Variables Z and Z ∗ 96 5.2.2 Augmented Complex-Valued Matrix Variables Z 97 5.3 Complex Hessian Matrices of...
complete introduction to the theory of finding derivatives of scalar-, vector- and matrix-valued functions with respect to complex matrix variables, Hjrungnes describes an essential set of mathematical tools for solving research problems where unknown parameters are contained in complex-valued matrices....
In this work, we introduce new algebraic geometry (AG) curves that can generate extremely fat matrices with low coherence. The previous application of AG codes in matrix design has been limited to binary matrices. Here, we devise a different approach to achieve m × n complex-valued matrices....
So you just go to the matrix menu and select one of the matrices M1-M9, and enter in a value such as 6+i? Are you using textbook input mode or RPN input mode? I usually go with RPN but I don't mind switching a different input mode just for th...
In general, the problem of computing the 𝑛thnth roots of general complex-valued matrices has not received the necessary attention so far. In relation to the simple case of 2×22×2 matrices, a few articles appeared in Mathematics Magazine [2,3,4] and in Linear Algebra and its Applicatio...