The results obtained show that a Zernike low-degree polynomial expansion or a cubic B-spline with a low number of breakpoints are the best choices for fitting simple wavefronts, whereas the cubic B-spline approach performs much better when more complex wavefronts are involved. The effect of ...
An electric AC field (1 V, 10 Hz, sinusoidal wave) was applied for one hour at room temperature. Once formed, vesicles were diluted 1:1 in a glucose solution of the same osmolality and the suspension of GUVs was stored at room temperature until use. The vesicles were prepared ...
1 help commerical sources including edu before writes jim writing to program input has might get stockel wave password d like university try collect oahu release valid unaware right visuals navy machines really ftp for realtime anonyomus does new khoros email be commercial free pub eece address ...
Shear wave velocity (S-wave velocity or Vs) is one of the most critical issues for carbonate reservoirs characterization, because of its complexity of rock compositions and pore structures. The Xu-Payne petrophysical model is a commonly used method to predict S-wave velocity. However, the model...
WASp family Verprolin-homologous protein-2 (WAVE2), a member of the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp) family of actin nucleation promoting factors, is a central regulator of actin cytoskeleton polymerization and dynamics. Multiple signaling pathways operate via WAVE2 to promote the actin-nuclea...
where umk+q and unk are the lattice-periodic part of the electronic wavefunctions for the final state on band m with wavevector k + q and initial state on band n with wavevector k, respectively. δqνV is the the derivative of the self-consistent potential associated with a phonon...
Each spiral wave was assigned a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction of rotation by visual inspection. Overall, 161 waves rotated clockwise and 58 waves counter-clockwise. Because spiral waves may arise by planar waves colliding into each other [1], it is possible that the direction of rotat...
becoming dominant until the first wave of blooming algae ended about 1 week into June. A remarkable correlation was obtained between chlorophyll a measurements and estimated biovolumes of photosynthetic plankters (Additional file 2: Fig. S1A). Additional non-photosynthetic plankters comprised in ...
responses in the pseudo-suffixed and non-suffixed conditions, in the form of faster power changes and a more consistent increase across time, show that even in the absence of semantics, pseudo-suffixes yielded a neural activation pattern that was dissociable from simple non-morphemic letter ...
The use of localized atomic orbitals in the basis expansion in contrast to the plane-wave expansion is particularly effective for calculating the electronic structure and interatomic bonding for both c rystalline48–52 and non-crystalline m aterials53,54 especially those with complex ...