常见的从属连词(subordinating conjunction)如下:because although if until while when even though as 绿色代表主语;蓝色代表动词 Some experiments on animalsgiveus the wrong result becauseanimals’ bodiesare not exactly the same as our own.SVsubordinating conjunctionSV Some experiments on animals give us t...
Subordinating Conjunctions in Complex Sentences although because before even though if since until when We can never obtain peace in the outer worlduntilwe make peace with ourselves. (Dalai Lama) Wise men speakbecausethey have something to say.Fools speakbecausethey have to say something. (Athenian...
Once you get the hang of subordinate conjunctions and dependent clauses, complex sentences don’t seem so complex after all. You can construct them and then improve them using our tips on how to write better sentences. If you’d sti...
Complex sentences are easy to spot as they often use subordinating conjunctions like because, since, or until to connect clauses. Complex sentences are one of the four types of sentences based on structure (simple, complex, compound, and compound-complex). Their distinction is that they contain...
Related to complex sentence:compound sentence,Subordinating conjunctions complex sentence Complex sentencesare one of the four main sentence structures. They are made up of oneindependent clause(ormain clause) and one or moredependent clauses(orsubordinate clauses). The dependent clause is introduced an...
Writing complex sentences is not a difficult task if writers bear in mind what makes a complex sentence: an independent and a dependent clause, with the dependent clause starting with a subordinating conjunction. How do you create a complex sentence? The first step in writing a complex ...
In complex sentences, subordinate conjunctions introduce dependent clauses. In the sentence above, we used “which.” Other subordinate conjunctions include “after,”“although,”“if,”“until,” and “while.” Acompound-complex sentenceis like a Frankenstein's monster made up of compound sentence...
简单句|复合句|Simple and Compound Sentences with FANBOYS 09:35 复杂句|Complex Sentences|Sentence Structure with Subordinating Conjunctions 10:12 Compound-Complex Sentences in English Sentence Structure Types with Examples and 10:08 连词|复合句|Coordinating Conjunctions, Compound Sentences Fanboys 10...