So, a compound complex sentence is made up of more than one sentence joined by a conjunction, and at least one of those sentence is complex. In other words, it is a compound sentence with a dependent, or subordinate clause. Examples of Compound Complex Sentences: In these examples, the de...
What is a complex sentence? How does a complex sentence differ from a compound one? Using examples, learn how to identify, dissect, and write...
The meaning of COMPLEX is a whole made up of complicated or interrelated parts. How to use complex in a sentence. The Complex Origins of Complex Synonym Discussion of Complex.
Complex Sentences: In this article, you will be introduced to complex sentences. You will learn their meaning, definition and how they are used. You can also check out the examples given in the article.
Learn what makes a complex sentence and study the complex sentence structure. Explore the different types of clauses and see examples of writing complex sentences. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents Complex Sentence Structure How to Write Complex Sentences Identifying & Writing Complex Sentences...
There has to be a connecting word or different punctuation for this sentence to be correct. See the next examples for different ways to fix this sentence. Example 2 The temperature has dropped and it’s windy outside, so wear a jacket. Now we’ve got nice connecting words and no comma ...
Noun1.complexsentence- asentencecomposedof atleastonemainclauseandonesubordinateclause sentence- astringofwordssatisfyingthegrammaticalrulesof alanguage;"healwaysspokeingrammaticalsentences" loose sentence- acomplexsentenceinwhichthemainclausecomesfirstandthesubordinateclausefollows ...
The verblook upcannot be one word since its two parts can be separated, as in sentence (20b). A basic assumption in morphology is the hypothesis ofLexical Integrity: the constituents of acomplex wordcannot be operated upon by syntactic rules. Put differently: words behave as atoms with respec...
Examples of complex in a Sentence Noun She has a complex about her appearance. a complex of protein molecules Adjective The house's wiring is complex. The situation is more complex than you realize. Verb there's no need to complex what should be a simple process for obtaining a ...