ICD-10对PTSD的(诊断)要求不如ICD-11具体,并且不包括功能损害的证据。在DSM-5中,PTSD诊断范围更广,因为它包括许多属于ICD-11 PTSD和CPTSD的症状。现在,大量的研究人员比较了相同社区或寻求治疗的ICD-10 PTSD、ICD-11 PTSD/CPTSD组合样本以及使用DSM-IV或DSM-5诊断的PTSD的发病率。对这些研究进行回顾后发现,在...
(1)具有高水平的ICD-11 PTSD症状,但不具有复杂PTSD或BPD症状;(2)具有高水平的复杂PTSD症状(PTSD加...
Volume 16, Issue 1 ICD-11 posttraumatic stress disorder and ... Search in:This JournalAnywhere Advanced search European Journal of PsychotraumatologyVolume 16, 2025 -Issue 1 Submit an articleJournal homepage 1,082 Views 0 CrossRef citations to date 0...
Preliminary data support the proposed ICD-11 distinction between PTSD and complex PTSD and support the value of testing the clinical utility of this distinction in field trials. Replication of results is necessary.doi:10.3402/ejpt.v4i0.20706
2018年,世界卫生组织发布了ICD-11提案以供成员国评论,该提案首次在主要诊断系统中引入了创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)和复杂型创伤后应激障碍(Complex post-traumatic stress disorder, CPTSD)之间的区别。这是创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)诊断的重大变化。这一变化符合ICD-11原则——诊断应简单且具有最大的临床效用。
多年来,人们一直以各种形式讨论复杂的创伤后应激障碍,但现在,在ICD-11中,这种情况的定义与经验证据一致,即,它与某些类型的创伤暴露没有必然的联系。再次体验、回避和“威胁感”症状的存在也有助于将其与其他可能是长期或反复创伤所致的疾病区分开来。在其新的形式中,临床医生可以很容易地区分CPTSD(正如Keeley 2016...
The WHO International Classification of Diseases, 11th version (ICD-11), has proposed two related diagnoses, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD within the spectrum of trauma and stress-related disorders. To use latent profile analysis (LPA) to determine whether there are classes ...
Symptoms of Complex PTSD The symptoms of complex PTSD often result in deterioration in relationships, difficulty in regulating emotions, and negative views or opinions of the self. Some of the symptoms identified in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) include:What...
A complex trauma disorder. C-PTSD Symptoms & ICD 11 diagnostic criteria, differences from PTSD and Borderline personality Disorder, treatment guidelines. C-PTSD is also known as Disorders of Extreme Stress Not Otherwise Specified (Herman, 1992) and Endur