The purpose of this meta-analysis is to examine the nature and magnitude of the relation between complex problem-solving skills (CPS) and intelligence, a topic that has been widely discussed and that has instigated a vast array of partially contradicting findings in the past. Theoretically, ...
Lay Description What is already known about this topic Complex problem﹕olving is a competence becoming increasingly relevant in the 21st century. What this paper adds This research article explores behavioural patterns leading to success or failure in complex problem﹕olving. The article helps to ...
"Technologically Mediated Complex Problem-Solving on a Statistics Task." Learning, Media & Technology 30.2 (2005): 165.Scanlon E., Blake C., Joiner R. & OOShea T. (2005) Technologi- cally mediated complex problem-solving on a statistics task. Journal of Educational Media 30 (2), 165-...
Solving hard industrial combinatorial problems with SAT The topic of this thesis is the development of SAT-based techniques and tools for solving industrial combinatorial problems. First, it describes the archit... I Abío Roig - The topic of this thesis is the development of SAT-based technique...
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and Richard Wootton topic searching How to improve your PubMed / MEDLINE searches : 2 . display settings , complex search queries and How to improve your PubMed/MEDLINE searches: 2. display settings, complex search queries and topic searching. J Telemed Telecare. Jan 2014;20(1):44-... F...
Problem Solving with Irrational Numbers How to Subtract Complex Numbers on the Complex Plane Representing Distances on the Complex Plane Multiplication on the Complex Plane Multiplying & Dividing Complex Numbers in Polar Form Complex Number Puzzles with Words: Lesson for Kids Euler's Formula for Complex...
While quite a few theoretical works examined this cost-benefit trade-off and hypothesized about how humans decide the mental energy they will invest on a given problem, experiments on this topic remain scarce. One reason for this is that there are still no reliable and well-established measures...
You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Large Scale Systems and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: A critical overview of challenges and research opportunities Peter P. Groumpos, in Annual Reviews in Control, 2014 2 Large scale systems: An overview 2.1 Introductory remarks Recently,...
In research on mice, attention control has been closely linked to a general ability factor reflecting route learning and problem solving. Taken together, both lines of research suggest that individual differences in attention control underpin performance in a variety of complex cognitive tasks, helping...