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This chapter introduces complex numbers and functions, and discusses their representation in Cartesian and polar forms and their plotting on an Argand diagram (the complex plane). The exponential function of imaginary argument is defined and related to the sine and cosine. Hyperbolic functions of comp...
The logic/facts object is any Javascript object, containing any mix of the following properties (directly and/or through prototype chains): Static values (strings, numbers, booleans, etc) Functions (i.e. logic) returning anything else in this list (supports async/await) Promises returning ...
I can confirm that with the above trick, I can make work a lot of very useful functions for complex numbers on GPU (e.g. square, neg, div, mul, abs) This brings support for complex gradient computation on GPU: import tensorflow as tf if __name__ == '__main__': with tf.device...
For example, humans find it difficult to divide sequences of two numbers. Inaccuracies are more likely when numerators and denominators are highly correlated, that is, when the conditioning number is high21. In the greedy algorithm, items are ranked in descending order of their ratio of value...
A popular branch of generative modelling derives from the theory of preferential attachment, where new nodes entering the network have greater probability of linking to nodes with greater numbers of existing links. Such mechanisms have been shown to generate scale-free degree distributions, which have...
Avery exciting paperby Samuel Vargovcik proves the well-orderedness of a conjectured system of ordinal notations, the Bashicu Matrix System, named after its discoverer. Ordinals (up to some large but as-yet-undetermined countable ordinal) are represented as matrices of natural numbers. ...
文档标签: 数学 复分析 复变函数 ned point function disk exists not may 系统标签: complex shabat 导论 introduction analysis numbers IntroductiontoComplexAnalysis-excerpts B.V.Shabat June2,2003 2 Chapter1 TheHolomorphicFunctions Webeginwiththedescriptionofcomplexnumbersandtheirbasicalgebraicproperties. Wewill...
To rule out this potential argument, we investigate a model where all neighbors of a target subject are considered before forming the opinion. Denote the numbers of neighbors leading to the adoption of a positive and a negative opinion (determined as in Fig. 1b) as nP and nN, respectively....
(There is also an awkward.toarrow that takes an awkward array as its only argument, returning the relevant Arrow structure.) This file is structured differently. Instead of jagged arrays of numbers like "planet_mass", "planet_period", and "planet_orbit", this file has a jagged table of ...