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Parrish and Crookes found that among nursing graduates, reflection helped them to solve problems through thoughtful reasoning and to develop strategies for self-monitoring of their professional competence [94]. Critical thinking is typically rational thinking, and through combining theory with practice, ...
A knowledge graph contains a large number of entities and relationships, so it is a large-scale directed heterogeneous network. Naturally, a problem of how to achieve efficient and fast clustering, matching and retrieval on large scale networks is formed. To solve the problem, the concepts of ...
We then provide a Minorize-Maximization (MM) algorithm51 to efficiently solve the maximization problem. Using the inverse of the negative Hessian matrix of the log posterior calculated at the MAP, our method can also provide approximate credible intervals for the estimated values. The proposed ...
One can solve the above equations using a simple iterative scheme, and finally get the stable size of the giant component of the inactive nodes: ∑∑∑ηc = (1 − ρ0) kmax P ki=1 (ki ) s k=i1Cksi β ki−sF s ki s Csm m=...
To solve this problem, DOL introduces a preset fixed weight \(w_{d}\) shown in Eq. (9), so that it can not only maintain the original convergence of OBL, but also improve the exploration ability. When \(w_{d}\) is set larger, the difference between \(X^{D O}\) and X also...
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