1、侧重点不同 【complex】多指“物理层面”的复杂感,并且元素之间是相互有联系的。可以形容:组成某种机器的附加零件、构成某件事的复杂因素或是复杂的数学题等等。例句:This project involves a lot of 【complex】 technical problems.翻译:这个方案牵涉到许多复杂的技术问题。【complicated】多指“心理...
Complex noun groups provide an important source of information for the interpretation of scientific academic texts, and also about the identity of the discourse community. The high number of complex noun phrases in academic scientific texts is considered the most outstanding characteristic of this type...
The additive inverse for a complex number (a,b) is (-a, -b), and the multiplicative inverse for all such complex numbers except (0, 0) is (a/(a2+b2), -b/(a2+b2)) By representing a complex numberz= (a,b) in the formz=a+bi, wherei2= -1, the rules for the algebra of ...
To deal with complexity, to enhance the nervous system, we have created what we call the smart simplicity approach based on simple rules. Simple rule number one: Understand what others do. What is their real work? We need to go beyond the boxes, the job descriptions, beyond the surface of...
This will require to consider carefully the rules for the addition and multiplication of complex numbers so that these rules, when applied to real numbers of the form (a + i0), give the correct results within the real number system. The chapter highlights the rules governing the addition, ...
While many informal factors influence how people interact, modern societies rely upon law as a primary mechanism to formally control human behaviour. How legal rules impact societal development depends on the interplay between two types of actors: the pe
However, past approaches suffer from a number of limitations. Renormalization group-inspired algorithms, capable of estimating the multifractality of graphs fail to explain the emergence and evolution of networks and cannot decipher the hidden generating rules. The stochastic Kronecker graph model25 ...
An instructor can teach any number of courses, so Courses is defined as a collection of Course entities. Our business rules state an instructor can only have at most one office, so OfficeAssignment is defined as a single OfficeAssignment entity...
Lie groups and Lie algebras occupy a prominent and central place in mathematics, connecting differential geometry, representation theory, algebraic geometry, number theory, and theoretical physics. In some sense, the heart of (classical) representation theory is in the study of the semisimple Lie grou...