capableofpredictingapproximatelyidenticalunstablefrequencies.TheABAQUSapproachcanpredictinstabilitiesofhighfrequency upto20kHzormore,whiletheNASTRANapproachcanonlypredictsomeinstabilitiesofhighfrequency,notal1.Moreover,the simulationresultsalsoshowthatboththecontactspringstifinessandmeshsizehaveinfluencestosomeextentonthepredic...
The ABAQUS approach can predict instabilities of high frequency up to 20 kHz or more, while the NASTRAN approach can only predict some instabilities of high frequency, not all. Moreover, the simulation results also show that both the contact spring stiffness and mesh size have influences to ...
The first situation exists where the applied stresses are synchronous and in phase—that is, at the same frequency (synchronous) with a zero phase angle (in phase). This is called simple multiaxial stress. For example, a cylindrical pressure vessel that is periodically pressurized has a hoop ...
loadingarecapturedintheanalysisandtheresultsaresequentiallyusedfortheultimatelimitstate(ULS) checkandfatiguelifecalculation. Keywords:boundarycondition(BC);fatiguelimitstate(FLS);forcemodel(FM);kilometerpost(KP); modeshape;naturalfrequency;responsemodel(RM);vortex-inducedvibration(VIV);ultimatelimit ...
In the intervention phase, the corresponding figures were 118 hospitalizations, 34,843 days at risk, and an incidence rate of 0.010 per 30 days. The intervention, concerning first hospitalizations within 30 days, showed no association with a reduction, as indicated by the incidence rate ratio (...
Microchannels are the essential elements in animals, plants, and various artificial devices such as soft robotics, wearable sensors, and organs-on-a-chip. However, three-dimensional (3D) microchannels with complex geometry and a high aspect ratio remain
A parameter sensitivity analysis shows that the friction coefficient is linearly correlated with the system's instability and the frequency of the unstable modes of vibration.doi:10.1016/j.wear.2019.203150O. El BeshbichiC. WanS. BruniE. Kassa...
Studies of the natural oscillations of perforated vibrating surfaces have been conducted using the finite element method in Abaqus, which has proved sufficient accuracy of calculations. The dependencies of the natural oscillation frequency of perforated surface samples on their thic...
Furthermore, the resonance of the femoral components at a frequency of 3177 Hz is found to be the source of the unstable vibration in squeaking. On the basis of the etiology of squeaking, two methods for suppressing squeaking are proposed. One method is adding ultra-high molecular weight ...
The ABAQUS approach can predict instabilities of high frequency up to 20 kHz or more, while the NASTRAN approach can only predict some instabilities of high frequency, not all. Moreover, the simulation results also show that both the contact spring stiffness and mesh size have influences ...