cyst (sist)noun a kind of liquid-filled blister on an internal part of the body or just under the skin.quiste Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. cyst →quiste Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009 ...
Background: Cystic lesions of the breast are generally classified as simple, complicated or complex. A complex breast cyst is however defined as a lesion which contains both cystic (anechoic) and solid (echogenic) components. There is a need to understand the sonographic criteri...
The validity of complex breast cysts after surgerydoi:10.1016/j.amjsurg.2007.11.028ComplexbreastcystHistopatholgyMalignancyrateBreastcancerBackground Breast cysts are the most common cause of benign breast masses. Simple breast cysts do not need further evaluation, but complex breast cysts require ...
In the first motif, three Zn2+ ions are coordinated by eight cysteines and one histidine (Zn3Cys8His1), and in the second motif, another three Zn2+ ions are coordinated by nine cyste- ines (Zn3Cys9). The motif interacts with SET, SUZ12(VEFS) and the MCSS domain of the ...
Variation in reproductive lifespan and female fertility have implications for health, population size and ageing. Fertility declines well before general signs of menopause and is also adversely affected by common reproductive diseases, including polycyst
Fasting times should be 2 h for clear fluid, 4 h for breast milk, and 6 h for food and formula milk. However, in the emergency situation, there may be a pressing need to improve the airway and respiratory status and this will override the fasting period. In this situation, some precaut...
Her chest X-ray showed a large soft tissue density lesion in the right hemithorax, which included her bilateral breast implants (Figure 1). A computed tomography (CT) of her chest showed a large mass, predominantly in the right upper lobe of the lung extending from the right hilum. The ...
Synergistic tumor microenvironment targeting and blood–brain barrier penetration via a pH-responsive dual-ligand strategy for enhanced breast cancer and brain metastasis therapy Li M, Shi K, Tang X, Wei J, Cun X, et. al. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine ...
That childhood interest cemented itself during his undergraduate years, when he traveled to Costa Rica to study leaf-cutter ants, and it solidified through graduate and postdoctoral research that focused on how ants' social interactions influenced their evolution. ...
Recently, organoid technology has been used to generate a large repository of breast cancer organoids. Here we present an extensive evaluation of the ability of organoid culture technology to preserve complex stem/progenitor and differentiated cell types