For example, the bulk phase diagram of SO3-H2O has been well understood since 1950. But what about this phase diagram under conditions that prevail in the stratosphere? Here amorphous sulphuric acid films form; ionic/molecular species/complexes rapidly interconvert upon variation of ambient ...
"Classical" approaches, languages and tools for CDS simulation model development are considered in this chapter. Event-oriented, process-oriented and activity scanning approaches are presented. A detailed example of the manual simulation of a barbershop is discussed with state variable determination and ...
As an example, arabinoxylans and xylans are known to crosslink with cellulose, another plant cell wall component. This strategy of using PULs together with non-PUL associated enzymes, encoded in other regions of the genome, to degrade complex arabinoxylan is consistent with our findings on soluble...
For example, spikes of variation localized to a 120-kb region, covering the ZFP57 and HLA-F genes (chr6:29,600,360–29,721,396), were found in the A2-B46-DR9 haplotype but not in the A33-B58-DR3 haplotype (Supplementary Fig. S4A). These varia- tions comprised > 70% (171/...
5,6 Importantly, the greater polarity of key types of framework bonds between p-block elements and O, N, and S (for example) can lead to higher bond energies than the corresponding bonds to carbon. However, this generally comes at the price of greater kinetic lability. Particularly relevant...
S2). For example, the Chaetoceros bloom was detected in the PA10, and the Phaeocystis and Noctiluca blooms in the PA3 fractions (Phaeocystis cells are small, and Noctiluca cells are fragile and thus broke during filtration). One inconsistency was that Chattonella could not be detected, likely...
For example, con- sider a complex-valued MRI or SAR signal z. Due to the nature of signal acquisition, z could be subject to global mag- nitude scaling and phase offset represented by a complex- valued scalar s, thus becoming s·z. A complex-valued classifier takes input z...
For example, spikes of variation localized to a 120-kb region, covering the ZFP57 and HLA-F genes (chr6:29,600,360–29,721,396), were found in the A2-B46-DR9 haplotype but not in the A33-B58-DR3 haplotype (Supplementary Fig. S4A). These varia- tions comprised > 70% (171/...
1c, 2). For example, O. t. ardens and O. t. nigellicauda, which were found to be most divergent, split off first in the admixture panels and are most distant in the PCA plot (Figs. 1c, 2a, b). O. t. traillii and O. mellianus, which were found to be more closely related...
We use the way of disentangling the physiological component of SIFrel as an example. Due to an existing nonlinear relationship between SIFrel and LAI, we fit a random forest regression model to account for non-linearity71 to predict SIFrel using LAI as the only predictor per grid cell. The...