New carboxylate platinum(II) complexes: syn and anti isomers of Pt(phen)(OOCMe) 2 molecular complex, [Pt(phen)(NCMe) 2 ](O 3 SCF 3 ) 2 , as well as unusual sandwich complex [Pt(phen) 2 ] 2+ 路 2 syn -[Pt(phen)(OOCMe) 2 ] where [Pt(phen) 2 ] 2+ cation is inserted ...
21. It includes a total of 815 structures of lanthanoid complexes with a single trivalent cation as the metallic center, carefully chosen to be representative of the larger set of complexes for each metal. We then computed the median and the median absolute deviation (MAD...
ATP13A2 codes for a lysosomal type 5 P-type ATPase which is believed to function as a cation pump (Park et al., 2014). In fibroblasts from patients with Kufor Rakeb syndrome, altered respiratory chain function, increased mtDNA copy numbers and deletion levels have been reported (Grunewald et...
Four isomers of the covalent diprotein complex, which probably differ slightly from one another in the manner of cross-linking, are separated efficiently by cation-exchange chromatography. Stopped-flow spectrophotometric experiments with the covalent diprotein complex show that the presence of plastocyanin...
Effect of Organic Cation A on the Crystal Structure and Magnetisation of the Layer Molecular Ferrimagnets AFeFe(C2O4)3 We survey the crystal and magnetic structures and bulk magnetisation for representative examples of the series of ferrimagnetic tris-oxalato-ferrate(II,III... Christopher J. Nutta...
(Fig.2dand Supplementary Table3) indicates that there is no other component that could form or act as a cation, for example, none of the otherwise typical [K(crypt-222)]+cations, we can exclude that compound 1 contains any further components beside the [{IMesCo}2(µ,η5:η5-Bi5)]...
Similarly, in all models, the side chain of Trp-1126 is seen in π-cation interaction with the 2-deoxystreptamine ring from gentamicin C2 and the purpurosamine ring in both gentamicin C1 and gentamicin C1a. The differences in the three HADDOCK clusters are distinctly related to the NH3 ...
Forn=1–3, detailed van der Waals cation vibrational structure was observed, showing progressions in both bending and stretching mode vibrations. The resulting vibrational information together with the ionization energy red shifts has helped in assigning bands observed in the threshold photoelectron ...
Cation-Directed Structure Changes in Polyoxometalate Chemistry. Equilibria between Isomers of Bis(9-tungstophosphatodioxouranate(VI)) Complexes The first examples of polyoxometalates incorporating uranyl hetero groups have been synthesized by reaction of Na9[A-PW9O34] with UO2(NO3)2. Sodium, ammoni...
Peripherally transported lysosomes have been proposed to be important to leukocyte migration. That is, the release of proteases by lysosomal exocytosis mediated by synaptotagmin allows the uropod to be detached from the ECM14; mucolipin-1, a lysosomal transient receptor potential cation channel, ...