Silber E, Higginson IJ, Gao W. Immediate versus delayed short-term integrated palliative care for advanced long-term neurological conditions: the OPTCARE Neuro RCT. Southampton: NIHR Journals Library; 2020. PMID: 32902934.
This retrospective audit aimed to assess compliance with NICE guidelines in a primary care setting. METHODS. Data were collected using the Health One online medical record system in an urban general practice. Inclusion criteria: all patients =/> 65 years old, prescribed oral bisphosphonate therapy ...
193个ComplexCare Solutions员工的公司评论:薪资待遇,奖金福利,管理层,企业文化,年终奖,年假,晋升和工作稳定性
The NICE guideline, Transition from children's to adults' services for young people using health or social care ser- vices, highlights the importance for involving parents, sharing working documents, meeting the adult care team and informing the family about what to expect from adult services [...
There is consensus that services supporting people with complex emotional needs are part of a mental health care system in which change is needed. To date, service users’ views and co-production initiatives have had little impact on the development of i 例如,有些會員患有數種嚴重病症,或是可能需要同 時服用多種藥物/需支付非常高的藥物費用。 Peacekeeping has been utilized to good use in several complex crises. 维和行动在若干起 复杂的危机中得到良好的运用。 His research interests...
In 2010 a number of evidence reviews were undertaken for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) [5,6,7], intended to inform the development of NICE guidelines on the prevention of obesity using a whole system approach (WSA) (note that the scope of the work was change...
With its focus on holistic approaches to patient care, caregiver support, and delivery system redesign, geriatrics has advanced our understanding of optimal care during transitions. This article provides a framework for incorporating geriatrics principles into care transition activities by discussing the fol...
5. Valentina and Rodrigo have been married for 20 years. When Rodrigo suggests that Valentina start painting again, Valentina says, “How can I? I have to continue taking care of my children; I have too much to do,” even though both of their children are self-sufficient teenagers. ...
Person-centred medicine is recommended in the care of older patients. Yet, involvement of care home residents and relatives in medication processes remains limited in routine care. Therefore, we aimed to develop a complex intervention focusing on residen