DWORD JobCompletionTimeOutData = 200; CLUSPROP_DWORD JobCompletionTimeOutValue; JobCompletionTimeOutValue.Syntax.dw = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_LIST_VALUE_DWORD; JobCompletionTimeOutValue.cbLength = sizeof(DWORD); JobCompletionTimeOutValue.dw = JobCompletionTimeOutData; Requirements...
static voidCompletionStatusHelper.write(OutputStreamostream,CompletionStatusvalue) 参数类型为CompletionStatus的org.omg.CORBA中的构造方法 ACTIVITY_COMPLETED(int minorCode,CompletionStatuscompletionStatus) 使用指定次要代码和完成状态构造ACTIVITY_COMPLETED异常。
I call the API from AWS Lambda in production, which has a configurable timeout value for each function you write. It has built in retry’s too. For high priority stuff, I would invoke the function and also write the invocation event to a database. Then check the database every minute ...
If it is set to 10% then the autogrowth is going to try and grow the file by 7.6GB. That will take some time. You really shouldn't leave autogrowth at 10% anyways. It should be set to a fixed value like 1 or 2GB depending upon your ...
The time-out parameter (msTimeout) specifies the length of time to wait for completion. To test if the operation completed, specify a zero msTimeout value and check the event code value (pEvCode) for zero, indicating that the operation is not completed....
func writeAttributeExpiringUserTimeout( withValue value: NSNumber, params: MTRWriteParams? ) async throws Discussion Concurrency Note You can call this method from synchronous code using a completion handler, as shown on this page, or you can call it as an asynch...
A pointer to an optional time out value. Return value An NTSTATUS code. For more information, seeUsing NTSTATUS values. Remarks IO_STATUS_BLOCK has the following definition. C++ typedefstruct_IO_STATUS_BLOCK{union{ NTSTATUS Status; PVOID Pointer; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; ULONG_PTR Information; } IO...
Return ValueReturns:std::future_status::deferred if the associated asynchronous operation is not running. std::future_status::ready if the associated asynchronous operation is finished. std::future_status::timeout if the time period specified has elapsed....
The time-out parameter (msTimeout) specifies the length of time to wait for completion. To test if the operation completed, specify a zero msTimeout value and check the event code value (pEvCode) for zero, indicating that the operation is not completed....
static TimeSpan TimeDataflowComputations(int maxDegreeOfParallelism, int messageCount) { // Create an ActionBlock<int> that performs some work. var workerBlock = new ActionBlock<int>( // Simulate work by suspending the current thread. millisecondsTimeout => Thread.Sleep(millisecondsTimeout), // ...