though i wanted to let "bygones be bygones" i found that i could not wholly ___ the bitter memoryof their behgavior from my mind malevolent when i say the pain he caused others and the pleasure he took in doing so, i realized that he was truely ___ person bequeath ...
A staunch believer in the equality of the sexes, Susan B. Anthony was one of the most effective ___ of women's rights. exponent Retailers who seek to ___ unwary consumers with false claims should feel the full penalties of the law. allure Now that the football season has ended, don...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含The defeated army fled in such ___ that before long it had become little more than a uniformed mob.、People who are used to the unhurried atmosphere of a country town often find it hard to cope with the ___ pace
if you think that the literature of earlier ages was always staid and proper, take a look at some of the ___ stories in the Decameron, written more than 600 years ago supine failure in itself is no disgrace, but the ___ acceptance of failure certainly is. proselyte taking ...