This appears to be a bug and is being looked into. So if the bug occurred you'd have earned the +1 BP level for finishing the Eva Challenge, but earned stars/XP towards a star is lost. Do you happen to have grabbed any pics of the summary screens for that match?For the 2nd...
My Quartus is running in Fit stage for more than 40+hrs and not completing. I see only below reports in my run area. FPGA.drc.partitioned.rpt FPGA.sdc_constraints.rpt FPGA.syn.rptFPGA.flow.rpt FPGA.syn.summary I looked into DRC.part*.rpt...
1ST DAY of Free trial period gone and still not installed. Have errors during install, i.e. EXIT error 7; DW003 and DW071. I have followed and checked the responses here but running into difficulty. Mostly comprehension. I have followed the guides as best possible but unable to locate ...
Now that I have completed the BP, I have (and will have) a number of weekly battle pass level up challenges left over. I just completed one of the left over challenges and got the battle pass level up noise in the summary screen at the end of the match. Would it not...
Did the post-game summary track the kills properly as they happened?Also can I check where in bunker you were, in case there are areas there that might not count for the challenge tracking? Thanks Reply 1 + XP #4 July 2019 Options ScudTDassassin ★★★ Newbie Product: Apex ...