Uninstall MYSQL completely 首先用dpkg --list|grep mysql查看自己的mysql有哪些依赖 1 dpkg --list|grepmysql 先卸载sudo apt-get remove mysql-common 1 sudoapt-get remove mysql-common 然后:sudo apt-get autoremove --purge mysql-server-5.0 1 sudoapt-get autoremove --purge mysql-server-5.0 再用dpkg...
$ sudo aptitude purge mysql-server mysql-common $ sudo rm -R /etc/mysql/* And then reinstall again. This will not affect your databases, since they're located at /var/lib/mysql and will only be deleted when explicitly indicated.
Check this guide to completely uninstall mysql-server and reinstall MySQLon Ubuntu. It’s quite common for developers to get some problems while installingMySQL, and it’s a wise thought to reinstall MySQL, but the problem is that MySQL doesn’t get removed very easily from the system. Even ...
I try to uninstallMySQLserver using rpm -e --nodeps mysql mysql-serverand seen that it is not completely remove. When I installMySQLserveragain. Thedatabasesand root password still remain. May you tell me how to remove MySQL Server completely include databases and password? I'm using CentOS ...
Bughttp://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=57940marked as duplicate of this one. [25 Jan 2011 23:13] Jim Goodwin I have Windows 7. Installed originally using mysql-essential-5.1.52-win32.msi. Uninstall did not remove the service. I stopped the service before running the uninstaller via Windows...
Completely Uninstall MySQL Server I try to uninstallMySQLserver using rpm -e --nodeps mysql mysql-serverand seen that it is not completely remove. When I installMySQLserveragain. Thedatabasesand root password still remain. May you tell me how to remove MySQL Server completely include databases an...
This will uninstall the vs code software from your computer. But user settings, extensions, and plugins related to vscode are still there. let's delete them as well. 5Goto windows explorer and type: %UserProfile% and look for.vscode. If there is no.vscodefile in the folder, they are hi...
Locate uninstall.exe or uninst000.exe 3 Double click the file to start the uninstallation process. Method 4: Uninstall String with Run 1 Hold the Windows + R keys to open the Run command. 2 Copythis uninstallation string C:\Program Files (x86)\Pranas.NET\MySQLBackupFTP\uninstall.exe ...
But MySQL eventually wound up shutting down again. Ultimately, I found the most effective way to resolve the MySQL continuing shutdowns, was to completely uninstall, then reinstall XAMPP, including MySQL. But now, I need step by step instructions on how to restore my WordPress site (da...
I am a fairly new Mac user, not much of a techie, so can someone, in very simple, point form terms, tell me how to COMPLETELY uninstall MYSQL 5.1.12. Thanks so much. Ken.Navigate: Previous Message• Next Message Options: Reply• Quote ...