When he moves to Tokyo to attend school, he finds himself living in a dormitory with five girls, each of which possesses one of the ideal physical features he desires: cat-like blue eyes, bullet-train breasts, a deep dulcet voice, straight “anime-esque” legs, or a waistline sh More....
Read Naruto Manga Online Naruto is a manga series from Japan. It's about the story of a young ninja who wants to become the strongest leader in his village. The series were produced by Masashi Kishimoto and in 1997 were published. Later this manga was adapted into a TV anime. This studi...
Original Series Written & Illustrated by Ji-Hun Jeong As a victim of continuous cruel bullying, Yu's experiences made him apathetic, to the point where he simply tolerates the idea of being beaten by others, despite having the ability to easily dodge their attacks. Everything changes when K,...
We were both talking about Durarara!!! from 2013 I believe that's when it started. So long ago, but one of the best and on my list of top anime shows I've ever seen. I always hated Izaya but mostly because Psyche had dibbed him before could get my hands on him. We always dibb...
Hiro Hiyorimi is a boy who has just moved to the Sasanaki City to meet his sister. While walking down the sidewalk, he is suddenly hit by a car (crushed by construction beams in the anime). On the verge of death, he is seen by a young woman clad in gothic clothes. She then resu...
Read Naruto Manga Online Naruto is a manga series from Japan. It's about the story of a young ninja who wants to become the strongest leader in his village. The series were produced by Masashi Kishimoto and in 1997 were published. Later this manga was adapted into a TV anime. This studi...