Experience in integrating food apps with helpful 3-rd party services, such as Stripe, PayPal, Twilio, Pusher, Google Maps API, Mapbox, Zendesk, Segment, Toast POS, etc. As the business logic of food delivery apps aligns with on-demand software solutions, we want to share our experience in...
Variance -Variance is often tracked as a percentage, and is the difference between the depletion of a product and how much your records say was sold. For example, at the end of a weekend, your inventory of pizza dough is down by 200 pounds. But, your POS system says that you sold piz...
Our Food Ordering Script is flexible for Square POS integration. Toast POS Integration with Food Delivery System Food and drink delivery has never been easier than with a point of sale system. Toast POS is one of the best delivery POS systems for food and drink. BEST ANDROID-BASED POS FOR ...
I found that the problem was actually my primary (System) hard disk didn't have enough space to work on. I only had just over 380 MB of empty space left in it so, i thoght I should delete some stuff, I made the spa...
('LocalMachine', $remotePC) $RegKey= $Reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion") $buildExt = $RegKey.GetValue("UBR") $version = "$((Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $remotePC -Query "SELECT Version FROM Win32_OperatingSystem").Version).$buildExt" Write-Host $version...
record.updateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); record.name = vodInfo.name; record.pic = vodInfo.pic; AppDataManager.get().getVodCollectDao().insert(record); } public static void deleteVodCollect(int id) { AppDataManager.get().getVodCollectDao().delete(id); } public static List<VodCol...
When i try to pass "ver" command, it only returns first three octet like 10.0.15063 whereas i am interested in knowing complete build number of the system which also include release version in the fourth octet which gets increased with every cumulative update like for march 2018 CU for 1703...