①Complete the sentences.Use these words describing parts of the body.chestheartlungstomachthroat1 When we breathe,the air goes into our2 The sends blood round the body.3 Your is inside your neck.4 Your lungs are inside your5 When we eat,food goes into the1 Complete the sentences. Use ...
(b) Complete the sentences:The ...system includes the heart and blood vessels. Deoxyge nated blood from the body is transported to the heart in the During a heart beat the ventricles contract. The right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs. The right ventricle has a muscular...
The following sentences are taken from a report on... The following sentences are taken from a report on Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data. The pie chart shows the emissions by countries. Identify the corresponding stages of the sentences describing the pie chart and re-order them to make ...
To see how figurative imagery works, let’s look at the first line of Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 130,” where the speaker is describing his lady love: My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun; Okay. Let’s zero in on the word “sun” here. According to Merriam-Webster,the literal def...
Introduce your position to the reader and present a thesis statement in one to two sentences to present your opinion. This paragraph has the following elements: Hook In the beginning, the author has to attract the reader’s attention. Using the hook is the best way to capture the audience....
complete the sentences with the words and phrase in the box.blood pressure circulation muscles painkiller brain heartbeat organ relaxationWhen we laugh, we use 15 different ___ in our face.Laughter is good for every ___ in our body.When we laugh, our ___ slows down.Laughter makes our...
diet blood patient temperature prescription gym rest stressI go to the three times a week to do some exercise. It's important to avoid having lots of in your life if you can. My doctor gave me a and the medicine's making me feel better already. ...
The patients, with eye-movement amplitude between the range of ±200μV and ±40μV, were able to form complete sentences and communicate independently and freely, selecting letters from an auditory speller system. A follow-up of one year with one patient shows the feasibility of the proposed...
Use a word from the box to complete the sentences below.diet blood patient temperature prescription gym rest stress39.4I go to the three times a week to do some exercise.It's important to avoid having lots of in your life if you can.My doctor gave me a and the medicine's making me ...
I. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 方内的单完成句子。blood mix tower p provide nurture almost cruise interest1. Mountains provide us with beautiful views and fresh air.2. The wetlands、nurture ndifferent kinds of wildlife.3. The pond was a mix of green and blue, ...