members who spend one complete month in the area where the allowance is applicable, the monthly sum is paid irrespective [...] 对在适用危险津贴的地区工作一整 月的 工 作人 员,不论 该 月天 数如 何, 均按月额支付津贴。 [...] budget line...
Jing OuJin-Bo LiuFu-Jiao YaoXin-Guo WangZhao-Ming WeiTaylor & FrancisMitochondrial DNA Part AOu J, Liu JB, Yao FJ, Wang XG, Wei ZM. (2014). The complete mitochondrial genome of the American black flour beetle Tribolium audax (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Mitochondrial DNA. [Epub ahead of...
A função NdisMResetComplete retorna a status final de uma solicitação de redefinição para a qual o driver de miniporto retornou anteriormente NDIS_STATUS_PENDING.SintaxeC++ Copiar void NdisMResetComplete( _M, _S, _A ); ...
Cutadapt v2.6 ( was used to identify and trim adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails, and other types of redundant sequences from raw sequenced reads. PacBio HiFi reads were assembled with Hifiasm v0.1453and HiCanu v2.054using default parameters. We filt...
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It took two to four hours to complete the manual search of goods in a container. 以人手搜查貨櫃內的貨物,將需時2至 4個小時方可完 成。 [...] training courses of UNESCO in this discipline and will in part be published online to complete the Manual on the...
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Gewonnen jaren: Heldere inzichten over hoe wij ouder worden. Amsterdam: Ambo Anthos. Google Scholar Dirkse, R., Kessels, R., Hoogeveen, F. R., & Van Dixhoorn, I. (2011). (Op)nieuw geleerd, oud gedaan. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. Google Scholar Dröes, R. M., Schols,...
54 Lukashin AV, Borodovsky M. GeneMark.hmm: new solutions for gene finding. Nucleic Acids Res 1998; 26:1107-1115. 55 Guo FB, Ou HY, Zhang CT. ZCURVE: a new system for recognizing protein-coding genes in bacterial and archaeal genomes. Nucleic Acids Res 2003; 31:1780-1789. 56 Lowe ...
V.D., E.N., L.A., S.W., L.M. and F.S. jointly conceived the misalignment-free scheme, the underlying theory, the experimental layout and methodology. S.S. and L.M. fabricated theq-plates. V.D., E.N. and F.S. performed the experiments. All authors discussed the results and...