This list was honed to 25 key items by group consensus and on the basis of published research on bias. A prototypical flowchart was developed as a tool for conveying information about the method of patient recruitment, the order of test execution, and the numbers of patients undergoing the ...
The assetsMeanCov() functions returns a named list consisting of four entries center (estimated mean), cov (estimated covariance matrix), mu and Sigma which are synonmys for center and cov. Furthermore, the returned value of the function has a control attrobute attr(), a character vector h...
At the consensus meeting, participants shortened the list to a 25-item checklist, using evidence whenever available. A prototypical flow diagram provides information about the method of patient recruitment, the order of test execution, and the numbers of patients undergoing the test under evaluation,...
If medical journals adopt the STARD checklist and flow diagram, the quality of reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy should improve to the advantage of clinicians, researchers, reviewers, journals, and the public.BossuytPatrickMReitsmaJohannes...
2003 . “Towards Complete and Accurate Reporting of Studies of Diagnostic Accuracy: The STARD Initiative.” Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine: CCLM/FESCC 41 (1): 68–73.Bossuyt PM, Reitsma JB, Bruns DE et al (2003) Towards complete and accurate reporting of studies of diagnostic ...
Researchers, editors, methodologists and statisticians, and members of professional organizations shortened this list during a 2-day consensus meeting with the goal of developing a checklist and a generic flow diagram for studies of diagnostic accuracy. Results: The search for published guidelines on ...
Researchers, editors, and members of professional organisations shortened this list during a two-day consensus meeting with the goal of developing a checklist and a generic flow diagram for studies of diagnostic accuracy.Results: The search for published guidelines on diagnostic research yielded...
Methods: The Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) steering committee searched the literature to identify publications on the appropriate conduct and reporting of diagnostic studies and extracted potential items into an extensive list. Researchers, editors, and members of professional ...
Methods The Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) steering committee searched the literature to identify publications on the appropriate conduct and reporting of diagnostic studies and extracted potential items into an extensive list. Researchers, editors, and members of professional ...
11,addShow full author list 1 Department of Oncology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA 2 The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA ...