Joel L. Meredith
Complete Book of Bible LiteracyMark Taylor
For a more complete list see the Bibliography in the back. I am especially indebted to my wife, Ardythe. She played a major role in many of my previous books, but in this one she was indispensable. The task of keeping straight six hundred hymn stories, lyrics, and copy- right ...
Mystery Sequels - the complete list of books and series in reading order, with the latest book releases, covers and descriptions.
The Complete Jewish Bible, as the name suggests, is a version of the Bible designed to reflect its Jewish origins and context. It was translated by David H. Ste…
The CJB follows the order and the names of the Old Testament books in the Jewish Bible, rather than those of typical Christian Bibles. It uses Hebrew names for people and places, such as Eliyahu for "Elijah", and Sha'ul for "Saul." The work also incorporates Hebrew and Yiddish expression...
1.1 Brendon Burchard –The Motivation Manifesto About the Book: What better way to start a list of the 101 best motivational books you should read in 2019 than with a motivation manifesto? And Brendon Burchard’s really lives up to its name! His “9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power...
King James Version Complete Bible: King James VersionComplete Bible: King James VersionAlexander Scourby
They reflect his profound knowledge of the Bible and his classical education. They reflect the range and depth of his reading. As a young man, Oscar Wilde was not alone in having the works of Aristotle, Homer, Plato, Sophocles, Theocritus, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Keats, Coleridge, ...
A picture taken of his office hours after he died shows a blackboard full of mathematical scribble and a dozen or so books opened and piled a product of mathematical poetry randomly on the table suggesting that the search for a complete theory of everything went on till the last moment of...