$remotePC = $env:COMPUTERNAME $Reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $remotePC) $RegKey= $Reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion") $majorVersionNr = $RegKey.GetValue("CurrentMajorVersionNumber") $minorVersionNr = $RegKey.GetValue...
FAUXNot A Genuine Item (As In Faux Pearl) FBFeedback FCFine Condition FCFirst Class FCMFirst Class Mail FDBKFeedback FDCFirst Day Cover (Postage Stamps) FDC"Fleur De Coin", Meaning Flawless No Wear (Coins) FDDComputer Floppy Drive (Computers & Electronics) ...
They were embedded within a cooperative computer environment dedicated to automatic sequence annotation and analysis39. In a first step, we identified in all six possible frames the open reading frames (ORFs) that were at least 100 codons in length. In a second step, three independent methods ...
If you need to remove Maven from your computer, all you need to do is delete your Maven installation directory and remove the environment variables. You will also want to delete the ~/.m2 directory as it contains your local repository. 2.7 Getting Help with Maven While this book aims to ...
$remotePC = $env:COMPUTERNAME $Reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $remotePC) $RegKey= $Reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion") $majorVersionNr = $RegKey.GetValue("CurrentMajorVersionNumber") $minorVersionNr = $RegKey.GetValue...
GIS measures of distance between home and the complete street were measured and expressed in 100 m increments. On average, participants lived 9.68 hundred m (in 100 m increments, thus 968 m) from the complete street. 2.3.4. Control Variables and Sample Description Given past research that ...