2022 Election Colorado Democrats aim to ban entire class of semi-automatic weapons Sherrie PeifJanuary 9, 2023 it may be easier to know what guns would still be legal in Colorado by simply reading one paragraph of the 16-page draft bill....
we were able to see … that there was not material fraud in the county of York to have changed the York County election,” he said. “I can’t speak to any other place.”
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed his statement endorsing Harris with emojis of a coconut, a tree and an American flag. And after Harris visited North Carolina — a top target for Democrats — earlier this month, North Carolina Democratic Party Chair Anderson Clayton, the y...
A fraternity at the University of Colorado isriding a stationary bike for nearly six days straight to raise $100,000to protect bicyclists and pedestrians from distracted drivers. A Denver bicyclist created a newinteractive map showing just how far you can get in the city by bicycle in 15 minut...
But I will not be cowed by cowards like the shooter in Colorado Springs. I will not–ever–go back in the closet out of fear. I kicked that door down and will not go backwards. I spent the first 21 years of my life living in fear of what other people might think, how it might ...
University of Colorado–Boulder, USA d University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands H I G H L I G H T S ► Complete anonymity may decrease a person’s motivation to distort reports in socially desirable directions. ► Three studies show complete anonymity also decreases motivation to answer thou...
If you think you can benefit from the combined features of using an LLC to own and operate your small business and then having it be taxed like an S corporation, evaluate the election of S Corp tax status for your LLC. From double taxation to self-employment tax, this article will ...