[1]GitHub - Shenggan/BCCD_Dataset: BCCD (Blood Cell Count and Detection) Dataset is a small-scale dataset for blood cells detection. 数据集元信息 维度模态任务类型解剖结构解剖区域类别数数据量文件格式 2D 病理 计数 细胞 细胞 3 360 .jpg 图像尺寸统计 size 各维度最小值 [640,480] 各维度中值...
Complete-Blood-Cell-Count-Dataset:全血细胞计数(CBC)数据集包含总共360幅红细胞(RBC),白细胞(WBC)和带有注释的血小板的血液涂片图像-源码 开发技术 - 插翅**难飞上传8.63 MB文件格式zipdetectioncounting 全血细胞计数(CBC)数据集 数据集包含360个血液涂片图像及其注释文件,这些图像分为Training , Testing集和...
The complete blood count (CBC) dataset contains a total of 360 blood smear images of red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and Platelets with annotations. - MahmudulAlam/Complete-Blood-Cell-Count-Dataset
The complete blood count (CBC) dataset contains a total of 360 blood smear images of red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and Platelets with annotations. - onelittlebee/Complete-Blood-Cell-Count-Dataset
Dataset of test volume and tests repeated for complete blood count and electrolyte panels from hospitals in a Canadian province in 2018Laboratory utilizationRepeat testingComplete blood countElectrolyte panelLaboratory medicineHealth informaticsAll laboratory tests performed within the province of Alberta in ...
We externally validate 6 state-of-the-art diagnostic ML models, based on Complete Blood Count (CBC) and trained on a dataset encompassing 816 COVID-19 positive cases. The external validation was performed based on two datasets, collected at two different hospitals in northern Italy and encompassi...
PartitionFinder v2.1.1 [19] was used to determine the best partitioning schemes for the dataset. Maximum-Likelihood (ML) tree was built using 5000 ultrafast bootstrapping with 1000 iterations, and the best substitution model was determine by PartitionFinder v2.1.1 [19]. For Bayesian Inference (...
(v.2.2.4) on the basis of the sequencing coverage of the HiFi dataset. In total, 99.88% (2,060,229,331) of the CHM13 PacBio HiFi SUNKs were validated with CHM13 Illumina data (SRR3189741). A subset of CHM13 ultra-long ONT reads aligning to the CHM1 β-defensin patch (GenBank...
This will permit a more robust HGT analysis. Also the gene classification will become more robust as the dataset will grow. The accessory gene-pool is likely to increase, but the truly unique genes for each spices will likely decrease, sorting out the essential species specific factors better....
Blood was collected from the femoral vein of each animal in: (1) BD Vacutainer CPT tube (BD, 362753), in which plasma was separated and then stored at −80 °C; (2) BD Vacutainer EDTA (BD, 367841) for complete blood count. As animals were free-housed, faeces were collected from...