One of the novel treatment methods used is the injection of Aethoxysklerol or polidocanol, a sclerosing substance injected under ultrasound guidance targeting areas of neovascularisation. We report the case of a 78-year-old lady who suffered a complete Achilles tendon rupture following injection of...
Pulsed ultrasound treatment accelerates the repair of Achilles tendon rupture in rats A rat tenotomy model was used to investigate the effect of combined conservative management and pulsed ultrasound (PUS) on the repair of tenotomized Achill... KY Chi,G Xia,FN Yin - 《Journal of Orthopaedic ...
An acute Achilles tendon rupture is the most common tendon injury of the lower leg. Doppler ultrasound will in all likelihood continue to be the initial imaging examination. However, in cases where ultrasound identifies a partial rupture, the authors suggest that a CT scan may be...
Contralateral tendon rupture risk is increased in individuals with a previous Achilles tendon rupture The purpose of this study was to examine the outcome after surgery for an acute Achilles tendon rupture. In particular, we wanted to study whether persons ... A.,ren,D.,... - 《Scandinavian ...
One of the novel treatment methods used is the injection of Aethoxysklerol or polidocanol, a sclerosing substance injected under ultrasound guidance targeting areas of neovascularisation. We report the case of a 78-year-old lady who suffered a complete Achilles tendon rupture following injection of...
When a rupture happens during natural life, movement analysis can provide useful insights concerning patterns of rupture to understand and prevent Achilles tendon injuries. Here we determined the pattern of rupture of an Achilles tendon (AT) in an elite high-jumper athlete who ruptured an AT ...
Performance Outcomes After Repair of Complete Achilles Tendon Ruptures in National Basketball Association Players. American Journal of Sports MedicineAmin NH, Old AB, Tabb LP, Garg R, Toossi N, Cerynik DL. Perfor- mance outcomes after repair of complete Achilles... Amin,Nirav,H.,... - 《Am...
At 1 year from injury, ankle magnetic resonance imaging revealed a contiguous tendon, the patient was pain-free, and had returned to high-level athletics with equivalent sport performance relative to her preoperative status.#Certain Achilles tendon ruptures in young people may be treated non...
Despite the widespread use of the "50% rule" in treatment decisions of partial tendon ruptures, experimental evidence supporting it is missing. The present study provides new data, from a validated aponeurotic and free Achilles tendon finite element model, showing that partial ruptures ...
Is nonsurgical treatment as effective as surgical treatment of complete Achilles tendon rupture?doi:10.1097/EBP.0000000000000563Hernandez, Alejandro J.Jabbour, KatarzynaEvidence-Based Practice