Complementary Shaders comes with two distinct visual style options. The only difference between these two styles is the default settings. The Unbound style is designed for people looking for a more realistic experience, while the Reimagined style is made to reimagine Minecraft while preserving its ...
Complementary Shaders comes with two distinct visual style options. The only difference between these two styles is the default settings. The Unbound style is designed for people looking for a more realistic experience, while the Reimagined style is made to reimagine Minecraft while preserving its u...
Complementary Shaders is a good name for this subtle but powerful shader pack for Minecraft. These shaders are designed to upgrade your game world with
创作中心 投稿 原来是坤哥吖 2024年03月25日 09:51 关于 Complementary Shaders 是 Minecraft Java 版的着色器包,特别注重细节、高标准的质量和顶级优化。它提供了大量的高质量效果、两种默认的视觉风格选择、游戏中几乎每个块的自定义效果、从 Potato 到 Ultra 的配置文件,并且它的设计不会在游戏过程中造成阻碍...
Complementary Shaders comes with two distinct visual style options. The only difference between these two styles is the default settings. The Unbound style is designed for people looking for a more realistic experience, while the Reimagined style is made to reimagine Minecraft while preserving its ...
强推compleme..Complementary Shaders,我现在就在用个人认为的最大优势:有很多选项,足能使得玩家慢慢调到自己最喜欢的状态,甚至还有随机颜色光照这种整活功能另外:比起主打真实感的seus系,comp
Complementary Shaders comes with two distinct visual style options. The only difference between these two styles is the default settings. The Unbound style is designed for people looking for a more realistic experience, while the Reimagined style is made to reimagine Minecraft while preserving its ...
Complementary Shaders is a shader pack for Minecraft Java Edition with exceptional attention to detail, high standards of quality, and top tier optimisation. It offers a ton of high quality effects, two default visual style choices, custom effects for almost every block in the game, profiles ...
Complementary Shaders – Unbound 光影是Complementary Shaders系列的一个分支版本,旨在提供更加自由和无拘无束的视觉体验。与Reimagined版本相比,Unbound版本专注于通过改变默认设置来实现对Minecraft视觉效果的更现实的改造。尽管这两个版本在功能上相似,但Unbound版本通过其默认设置提供了一个与Reimagined不同的视觉风格...