Complementary Color In subject area: Computer Science Complementary colors refer to pairs of colors that are opposite each other on the traditional color wheel. When these colors are placed next to each other and have equal value and saturation, they create vibrancy and luminosity. This contrast ef...
1)complementary color互补色 英文短句/例句 1.Red and green are complementary colors.红色和绿色是互补色 2.anaglyphographic photomap互补色立体影象地图 3.The analysis of the complementary color in garment color design application互补色在服装色彩设计中的应用分析 4.complementary colour; colour of light wh...
In addition, constant and stable quantum efficiency is obtained for wavelengths in the visible light region. Figure 16 shows a Macbeth chart taken using this pixel with a light source of 6500 K. It exhibits high color reproducibility. Figure 16. Macbeth chart at 6500 K. It is said that ...