When asked about their experience of the complaints procedure, nearly half of the doctors felt negative feelings towards the complainant or complaint. Comments included: "I still find it very hard that a patient's family could be so vindictive and unpleasant." Many doctors described feeling impoten...
• IF anyone should know about Covid-19 infection risks surely it should be a GP doctors’ surgery, but sadly not so. My GP with a surgery close to the Royal Free, has for years encouraged patients to take their own blood pressure with a “pod” in the waiting room. The pod used ...
Of course there are drugs and surgery. Yes, pharmaceuticals have loads of money and yes, they do sometimes influence doctors and health policy when they should not. But thank goodness for drugs and surgery and proper doctors! But none of this makes subluxations any more likely to exist; pres...
any news about the Marriott? thanks dawn: Hi, We will be traveling for me to have surgery with a specialist. Would make for a miserable recovery to end up with BBs! Please let me know if you find any problems with: Howard Johnson, Murfreesboro, TN Comfort suites perimeter center, ...