The meaning of COMP is a complimentary ticket; broadly : something provided free of charge. How to use comp in a sentence.
不同剂量罗哌卡因联合利多卡因腰硬联合麻醉在老年妇女子宫切除术中的麻醉效果 Method and system for extracting user behavior features to personalize recommendations 涓 浗鍏夊 瀛︿細--棣栭〉 Structure and meaning in Chinese: An ERP study of idioms ...
How you rhythmically "comp" to support a soloist is, of course, extremely important, but if your voicings aren't happening, and if they don't make sense horizontally as linear lines (meaning your voice leading is messed up), your soloist isn't going to be happy!
I played around a little more: When trimming the Quicktime movie to the part I'm actually using in the comp (meaning: Only importing a shortened Quicktime movie that just contains the part I actually am using), all is fine too and I'm also down to 25 secs...
When subbing a dominant for a regular “diatonic” chord (diatonic meaning “from the key”) notice that dominant chords tend to want to resolve up a 4th, just like our grand chord progression. So for example, we all know that in the key of C, G7 wants to move to C, and in the...
As Joe Pass says "A good bass line must be able to stand by itself", meaning that you add the chords where you can. Like many other subjects in this book, bass lines could fill up an entire book of their own, but this section will teach you the fundamental principles such as how ...