方式一(来自网络) Xcode15.3 新建项目后 使用cocoapods,pod引入第三方库后报Command SwiftCompile failed with a nonzero exit code 的错误 解决方法 Target - build setting - 搜索sandbox - 把user script sandboxing 设置为 NO , command + K 清理后 重新编译 问题解决 方式二:(来自网络) https://blog.csdn...
Command SwiftCompile failed with a nonzero exit code报错解决 这个原因是因为电脑没有P12证书,有了p12证书,双击一下就好了! 我这里遇到这个问题是因为在别的电脑导入的证书,cer导出不了p12文件,这种手动导证书的,只能从申请证书的那台电脑上导出p12文件。别的电脑才能使用,别无他法。 解决方法: 登录账号后,再...
当你遇到 compileSwiftSources failed with a nonzero exit code 错误时,这通常表示在编译Swift代码时出现了问题。这个错误并不具体指出是哪一部分的代码或配置有误,而是指示了一个编译失败的状态。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,你可以按照这些步骤来尝试解决问题: ...
Xcode错误提示:Command CompileSwiftSources failed with a nonzero exit code,网上找了好多才搞定,通过在Build Setting里面自添加一条user-defined(备注:点击Level 边上的 + 号就可以添加),属性为SWIFT_ENABLE_BATCH_MODE,值为NO。再次编译就能发现编译失败的真正原因。 apple的出处为 URL:https://developer.apple....
DTS Engineer Apple Sep ’24 I have some general advice about these sorts of errors in Command [something] failed with a nonzero exit code. In the case of SwiftCompile build step, that usually means that the Swift compiler has crashed O-: Needless to say, that’s not good....
Command SwiftCompile failed with a nonzero exit code I've attempted this ReleaseRunwith the following target devices in XCode: My iPhone 15 Pro Max (iOS 18.2 Beta 3) MacBook Air (M1) (15.2 Beta) iPhone 16 Simulator (iOS 18.1)
Command CompileSwift failed with a nonzero exit code 看了说明没说代码有问题,然后网上找了一圈都没解决,最后直接上解决方法: 因为电脑可用空间只有3.9G了,我清理出5G后,错误消失,WFK。。。 当然,这可能并不通用 还是要根据个人情况来看,因为我的是上一秒还好好的,突然就出这错误,确定代码和环境没问题,于是...
Description When building with strict concurrency checking set to complete in Xcode 16.1 or later, the error message "Command SwiftCompile failed with a nonzero exit code" appears. This issue persists in the latest Xcode 16.2 beta 3, but...
Getting this error when building the project after upgrading Xcode to v15.4. Tried deleting DerivedData folder and still occurs. Not sure how to get a better error message, that's the only error I'm finding.
cp和rm。 然而,还有一些比较少使用。 在本教程中,我们将讨论一个这样较少使用的命令: Exit 。