-fnext-runtime Generate code for NeXT (Apple Mac OS X) runtime environment. -fnil-receivers Assume that receivers of Objective-C messages may be nil. -fnonansi-builtins This option lacks documentation. -fnonnull-objects This option lacks documentation. Uses of this option ...
For “parse error: invalid cast opcode for cast from ‘i32’ to ‘double’”, this is most likely the same as a known error where the LLVM code generator doesn’t yet support printing from compute regions. Try adding “-ta=tesla:nollvm”. I wasn’t able to produce a single binary wi...
Code README LGPL-2.1 license The repository has moved tohttps://github.com/pycrate-org/pycrateand is now archived. What is pycrate Pycrate is a french word for qualifying bad wine (when it's close to vinegar !). The present software library has nothing to do with wine (except it is de...
att intel Known ABIs (for use with the -mabi= option): ms sysv Known code models (for use with the -mcmodel= option): 32 kernel large medium small Valid arguments to -mfpmath=: 387 387+sse 387,sse both sse sse+387 sse,387 Known vectorization library ABIs (for use...