Compiler version detected in CMake: 6.2 这是一个很棒的error机制,能够让你免受版本变更导致的编译器版本不一致带来的影响 解决方案,去Conan目录中修改你profile中定义的编译器版本,让cmake和conan保持一致 vim ~/.conan/profiles/xxxx 修改其中的 compiler.version配置,如上例所示,应改成compiler.version=6... BundleUtilities.cmake CMake.cmake CMakeASM-ATTInformation.cmake CMakeASMInformation.cmake CMakeASM_MASMInformation.cmake CMakeASM_NASMInformation.cmake CMakeAddFortranSubdirectory.cmake CMakeAddNewLanguage.txt C... BundleUtilities.cmake CMake.cmake CMakeASM-ATTInformation.cmake CMakeASMInformation.cmake CMakeASM_MASMInformation.cmake CMakeASM_NASMInformation.cmake CMakeAddFortranSu...
Ubuntu - C & CXX compiler identification is unknown, -- The CXX compiler identification is unknown I believe that I need to make some changes to the CMakeLists.txt in the package source directory, but have no idea how to do so. I changed the minimum required from VERSION 2.8.9 to VERS...
ubuntu下的错误解决 eclipse cmake 错误 identificationisGNU 5.4.0 --TheCXXcompileridentificationisGNU 5.4.0 -- Check for workingCcompiler...CMakeError:Thedetectedversionof Ninja ()isless thantheversionof Ninja required byCMake 智能推荐 The compiler compliance specified is 1.7 but a JRE 1.8 is us...
-- Found required Ceres dependency: Eigen version 3.4.0 in /usr/share/eigen3/cmake-- Found required Ceres dependency: glog -- Found required Ceres dependency: gflags -- Found Ceres version: 2.2.0 installed in: /usr with components: [EigenSparse, SparseLinearAlgebraLibrary, LAPACK, SuiteSparse...
如何正确地在CMakeLists.txt文件中配置头文件搜索路径 Native侧如何引入头文件deviceinfo.h 如何在Native侧构建一个ArkTS对象 Native C++模版中,生成的so库的名称在哪里定义,需要与哪些内容保持一致 Native侧如何打印char指针 c++创建的(napi_create_object),或者作为参数传下来的js value,如果想持久持有,需要...
Is configured to automatically link to the HIP runtime from the detected HIP installation Requires the --hip-link flag to be specified to link to the HIP runtime. Alternatively, users can use the -l -lamdhip64 option to link to a HIP runtime library. Device function inlining Inlines ...
Compiler options are processed "left to right," and when a conflict is detected, the last (rightmost) option wins. The CL environment variable is processed before the command line, so in any conflicts between CL and the command line, the command line takes precedence. ...
settings and CMake:Compiler version specifiedinyour conan profile:7Compiler version detectedinCMake:5.2Please check your conan profilesettings(conan profile show[default|your_profile_name])P.S.You maysetCONAN_DISABLE_CHECK_COMPILERCMake variableinorder to ...