For a step-by-step example, see examples/helloworld/hello/world/ Running with a locally built Class Library After building the class library, you can get qbicc to use it simply by adding the command line argument --rt-version=17.alpha.0.NNN-SNAPSHOT (where NNN matches your local...
With data files, you are largely on your own. Nuitka keeps track of ones that are needed by popular packages, but it might be incomplete. Raise issues if you encounter something in these. Even better, raise PRs with enhancements to the Nuitka package configuration. We want 3rd party software...
C4593 'type': 'constexpr' call evaluation step limit of value exceeded; use /constexpr:steps<NUMBER> to increase the limit C4647 behavior change: __is_pod(type) has different value in previous versions C4648 standard attribute 'carries_dependency' is ignored C4649 attributes are ignored in ...
Date: 01/08/2009AttachAsModified – a small step toward simplifying EF n-tier patternsDuring this week at PDC I had a lot of great discussions with folks who are working with the EF—some...Date: 10/31/2008Using T4 Templates to generate EF classes...
Choice of the proper compiler options is the first step in improving performance. Sun compilers offer a wide range of options that affect the object code. In the default case, where no options are explicitly stated on the compile command line, most options areoff. To improve performance, these...
A compilation phase is a logical translation step that can be selected by command line options to nvcc. A single compilation phase can still be broken up by nvcc into smaller steps, but these smaller steps are just implementations of the phase: they depend on seemingly arbitrary capabilities of...
When faced with such convergence issues, the first step is to identify if the issue is limited to distributed training or stems from single-GPU training. Distributed training with SageMaker Training Compiler is an extension of single-GPU training with additional steps. ...
The Unified Runtime Level Zero Adapter enabled the usage of Level Zero System Management functionality by default. Created the launch API to SYCL Compat API library. ABI neutral version of modifiable_command_graph::print_graph has been enabled under preview option and will be enabled by default ...
I have an M2 Mac Mini with Apple Clang 16.0.0. Under certain circumstances, the SIMD code generated by an unrolled loop is incorrect. I have a short example program which reproduces the bug, on my machine and someone else's with the same Clang version. The core operation is this: for...
By utilizing Intel toolkits (Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler, Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library, Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives, and Intel® VTune™ Profiler) and employing techniques such as instruction set optimization and function substitution, we have significantly improved the ...